There have been several reports and a general agreement within the Australian higher education sector on the need for a process and mechanism to promote the professionalisation and status of teaching in higher education through some form of recognition and accreditation.

This site will document the process of consultation and engagement with the tertiary education sector to investigate the feasibility of developing a sector-endorsed Australian Tertiary Teacher Standards (ATTS) framework for tertiary academic teachers and professionals as an external standard against which individuals and institutions can benchmark teacher quality.

The UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) ( is an example of how a professional standards framework has been used to in the UK as a sector developed and endorsed set of standards.  These are used for to inform the recognition schemes offered by the Higher Education Academy ( to recognise teachers and professional development programs.

The Australian stakeholders in the tertiary education sector, organisations, institutions and individuals are invited to fully engage and will be widely consulted.

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